Helicopter books
Bitevní vrtulník Mi-24 (Attack helicopter Mi-24) *SOLD OUT*
Published by Svět křídel in 2007, 215 pages, ISBN:978-80-86808-39-0
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-24 attack helicopter including description of all produced variants (such as Mi-24A with green house canopy, most widespread Mi-24D and Mi-24V, Mi-24P with 30 mm twin barrel gun, NBC reconnaissance Mi-24RKhR, artillery correction Mi-24K, A-10 record breaker and many others). Separate chapters cover war employment, world service and detailed technical description. The book contains more than 600 photos (including 300 detail photos of all variants) and 40 camouflage drawings. Fully in Czech with English abstract.
Mil Mi-24/35 Hind *SOLD OUT*
Published by Stratus/MMP Books in 2017, 216 pages, ISBN:978-83-65281-53-1
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-24 attack helicopter from the early V-24 prototype up to the latest Mi-35M or PSV high speed model. As an only book in the world it also covers all Belorussian, Czech, French, Israeli, Polish, Slovak, Ukrainian and of course Russian upgrades from 1970s up to now. Separate chapters cover war employment, world service and detailed technical description. The text includes production tabs with all factory deliveries as well as list of Hind re-exports. The book contains more than 440 photos (including 170 detail photos of all variants) and 40 camouflage drawings. Fully in English.
Víceúčelový vrtulník Mi-2 (Multipurpose helicopter Mi-2)
Published by Svět křídel in 2008, 191 pages, ISBN:978-80-86808-61-1
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-2 light utility helicopter including description of all produced variants (such as transport Mi-2T, battle Mi-2US, Mi-2URP, Mi-2URN and Mi-2URP-G, rescue Mi-2RL and Mi-2RM, mine laying Mi-2 Platan, smoke laying Mi-2Kh, improved and reengined PZL Kania and many others). Separate chapters cover war employment, world service and detailed technical description. The book contains more than 500 photos (including 250 detail photos of all variants) and 40 camouflage drawings. Fully in Czech with English abstract.
Víceúčelový vrtulník Mi-8/17 (Multipurpose helicopter Mi-8/17) *SOLD OUT*
Published by Jakab in 2009, 112 pages, ISBN:978-80-87350-00-3
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-8/17 utility heavy helicopters and following family members (Mi-171, Mi-172 etc.) including description of all produced variants (starting with V-8 single engine prototype, through transport Mi-8T, passenger Mi-8P, Mi-8PS, attack Mi-8TV and TVK, reengined family Mi-17 and many others). Separate chapters cover war employment (especially Afghanistan), world service list and data sheets. The book contains more than 150 photos (including 70 detail photos of all variants). Half Czech half English variant.
Mil Mi-8/17/171 Hip *SOLD OUT*
Published by Stratus/MMP Books in 2019, 240 pages, ISBN:973-83-65958-28-0
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-8 multipurpose helicopter from the early V-8 single engine prototype up to the latest Mi-171Sh-VN special operations model based on recent experience gained in Syria. As an only book in the world it also covers all Belorussian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Finnish, French, Israeli, Lithuanian, Polish, Serbian, Slovak, South African, Turkish, Ukrainian, US, Yugoslavian and of course Russian upgrades from 1970s up to now. Separate chapters cover world service and detailed technical description. The text includes production tabs with all factory deliveries as well as list of Hip re-exports. The book contains more than 480 photos (including 150 detail photos of all variants) and 40 camouflage drawings. Fully in English.
Víceúčelový vrtulník Mi-4 (Multipurpose helicopter Mi-4) *SOLD OUT*
Published by Jakab in 2011, 80 pages, ISBN:978-80-87350-06-5
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-4 utility heavy piston engine helicopters including description of all produced variants (starting with VD-4 prototype, through improved transport Mi-4A, attack Mi-4AV, naval antisubmarine versions Mi-4M and Mi-4PLO, Chinese copies Z-5 and reengined Z-6 as well as many others). Separate chapters cover war employment (including US operations on Cuba), world service list and data sheets. The book contains more than 160 photos (including 70 detail photos of all variants). Half Czech half English variant.
Ka-50 & Ka-52 - Werewolf, Black Shark, Erdogan, Alligator and the Others *SOLD OUT*
Published by Kagero in 2015, 80 pages, ISBN:978-86-64596-35-3
This book covers complete history of Kamov Ka-50 attack helicopter including V-80 prototypes, Ka-50 serial helicopters, Ka-50-2 mock ups for Turkish tender up to Ka-52 dual seat model including latest naval derivate Ka-52K. Separate chapters cover Kamov design bureau experience with attack types, V-80 design philosophy and development, Ka-50 introduction into service and participation in foreign tenders, short war employment in Chechnya, description of Ka-52K model etc. Separate chapters are dedicated to technical description of the type as well as to description of combat survivability and attack power. The book contains more than 200 photos from 1970s till 2015. A detailed photo section presents second part of the book. Text is fully in English. THE VERY FIRST BOOK COVERING ALL KA-50/52 VARIANTS.

Mi-28 - Night Hunter and the Others
Published by Kagero in 2016, 80 pages, ISBN:978-83-65437-13-6
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-28 attack helicopter including Mi-28 and Mi-28A prototypes, Mi-28N serial helicopters, Mi-28NE export model up to latest Mi-28NM upgraded derivate. Separate chapters cover Mil design bureau experience with attack types, Mi-28 design philosophy and development, Mi-28 introduction into service and participation in foreign tenders, short description of export customers etc. Separate chapters are dedicated to technical description of the type as well as to description of combat survivability and attack power. The book contains more than 200 photos from 1970s till 2015. A detailed photo section presents second part of the book. Text is fully in English. THE VERY FIRST BOOK COVERING ALL MI-28 VARIANTS.

UH-60 Black Hawk
Published by Jakab in 2018, 34 pages, ISSSN:2336-4645
This publication covers the complete history of legendary Black Hawk helicopter family including naval and rescue variants. Dedicatec chapter describes the competition between YUH-60 ad YUH-61 models, then the description of army UH-60 models follows. A special chapters describe all naval variants for US Navy and export customers, models for US Coast Guard, upgrades made by Israeli companies and also a special description of Europe-made Hawks. The publication contains almost 100 photos (including 70 detail photos of all variants) and 4 camouflage drawings. Fully in Czech language.
Pětatřicátník - Vrtulníky Mi-24 na Moravě a v Čechách (35 years old - Mi-24 helicopters in Moravia and Bohemia) *SOLD OUT*
Me as co-author with Jaroslav Špaček and Slavomír Medzihradský, published by Magnet Press in 2013, 184 pages, ISBN:978-80-89169-27-6
This book covers complete history of Mil Mi-24 attack helicopters in the Czechoslovakia and subsequently in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the detailed description of the Mi-24 equipped units year by year since 1978 till the 2013. The book also contains many memories of Mi-24 pilots and technical staff. It also covers briefly the history of Mi-24, its role in the air forces and technical description. The end of the book covers complete destiny of all Czechoslovak and Czech Mi-24s and Mi-35s. Only Czech variant.
Československé vrtulníky (Czechoslovak helicopters)
Published by Magnet Press Slovakia in 2022, 224 pages, ISBN 978-80-89169-856
This book is a very unique one - it describes the saga of Czechoslovak-design helicopters. It starts with the initial attempts to understand the fundamental of the vertical flight in the 19th and begining of the 20th century obviously, but the core lies in the pre-WWII and mainly post WWII era. A separate chapter is dedicated to a Fa-223 local production aka VR-3, XE-I project, which never materialised, and also XE-II projec, the very first Czechoslovak-designed helicopter. Following chapters describe the development and production of the HC-2 model evolving into the reengined HC-102 variant, as well as HC-3 type, which never reached serial production. A final chapter is dedicated to the most promising HC-4 model, also not finished. A few details are mentioned about Czechoslovak helicopter records, production of foreign-origin helicopters and other aspects. Of almost 500 photos some 90% are published for the first time. This is a definite book on the topic. Fully in Czech language,
Bivtevní vrtulníky (Attack helicopters)
Published by Mladá Fronta in 2022, 320 pages, ISBN: 978-80-264-4422-0
This book is a full encyclopaedia of attack helicopters from their genesis in the Algerian war up to the latest deployment over Ukraine. The initial chapter describes the whole history including development of the legendary AH-1 and Mi-24 types, but also mentioning all other types of European or Chinese production. The following chapters are dedicted to various technical features of the attack helicopters starting with the design fundamentals, engines and their protection, rotors, surveillance and guidance systems and weapons. Each feature is documented by many photos. This is most likely the most comprehensive helicopter book ever published. In Czech language only.