Fixed Wing Airplanes
Published by Magnet Press in 2018, 200 pages, ISBN:tbd
This book covers complete history of Aero L-29 model including variants such as reconnaisance model L-29R Oko, training type L-29RS and aerobatic derivate L-29A Akrobat. First chapter is dedicated to the first jet aircraft in the Czechoslovakia including Me-262, Yak-17, Yak-23 and MiG-15UTI. Second chapter exlains the world jet trainers developed at that time. Following chapter describes the design and development of L-29 model with a deepfocus on the Monino AFB based fly-off between Czechoslovak L-29, Soviet Yak-30 and Polish TS-11 models. Major part of the book is presented by the introduction of all military operators with pictures from the service. Also all jet demonstration teams flying on L-29 are mentioned as well as commercial providers of military services using L-29. The book includes almost 500 pictures. Fully in Czech language. The very first book covering entire history of L-29 family.
Albatros - Aero L-39, L-59, L-139 *SOLD OUT*
Published by Magnet Press in 2016, 244 pages, ISBN:978-80-89169-58-0
This book covers complete history of Aero L-39 model including advanced variants such as L-39MS, L-59 and L-139. First chapter is dedicated to the first jet aircraft in the Czechoslovakia including Me-262, Yak-17, Yak-23, MiG-15UTI and L-29 Delfin. Following chapter describes the design and development of L-39 model. In detail are described L-39C, L-39V, L-39ZO and L-39ZA variants including its subvariants. Separate chapter is dedicated to deep upgrade models such as L-39MS known for export as L-59, and L-139 single prototype. Major part of the book is presented by the introduction of all military operators with pictures from the service. Also all jet demonstration teams flying on L-39 are mentioned as well as commercial providers of military services using L-39. The book includes almost 500 pictures. Summary in English, Russian, German and French language. The very first book covering entire history of L-39 family.
Aero L-29 Delfin
Published by Gudeline Publications in 2022 in the Warpaint series in 2022, 72 pages
This publication is the very first one in English language, which covers the legendary L-29 Delfin Warsaw pact trainer. The profile starts with the development origins and desceribes even the completely unique fly-off between Yak-32, TS-11 Iskra and L-29 in Monino, USSR. Later chapters describe the full development including recce variant L-29R and special aerobatic model L-29A built in two copies only. A separate chapter is dedicated to the world footprint of the Delfin with all military operators thoroughly described. The colour profiles are done by Petr Kolmann. Fully English text.
Aero L-39 Albatros in Aviation classics magazine
Me only contributor to Tim Callaway (editor), published by Mortons media group, UK in 2015, 132 pages, ISBN 978-1-909128-56-9
A thorough source describing in detail Aero Vodochody aircraft manufacturer from 1919 til 2015. A special chapters are dedicated to pre war history, post war jet era and indigenous own designs such as L-29. The core of the book covers L-39 Albatros, the most successful jet training aircraft in the world from original L-39C, L-39ZO and L-39ZA variants through L-39MS and L-59T/L-59E till latest L-159 Advanced Light Attack family. Special attention is paid to all L-39 operators including description of all jet demonstration teams.
Suchoj Su-25
Published by Jakab in 2020, 52 pages, ISBN:978-80-7648-011-7
This issue covers the complete history of Sukhoi Su-25 close air support aircraft including variants such as the Su-25UB and Su-25UT (Su-28) trainers, Su-25T and Su-25TM (Su-39) deep modernisations, naval Su-25UTG models or latest Su-25SM modernisations. It also fully covers the foreign entities upgrades performed by Israeli, Belarussian and Ukrainian companies. A separate chapter is dedicated to the export of the Frogfoots, either directly performed by the OEM, or later performed by various trade organisations. Majority of the users are described with details of service. The book includes almost 150 pictures. Fully in Czech language on 52 pages. The very first book covering entire history of Su-25 family including all upgrades.
Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II
Published by Jakab in 2020, 52 pages, ISBN:978-80-7648-011-7
This issue covers the complete history of the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, frequently called Warthog, close air support aircraft including variants such as the A-10A, OA-10A, A-10A+, A-10C up to YA-10B N/AW prototype. It is describing in great detail the history behind the plane with several competitions and trials including F-5 and A-7 fly off which happened prior the actual launch of the A-10 production. The war deployment is covered as well. A dedicated sections are covering the GAU-8 Avenger cannon development.The book includes almost 150 pictures. Fully in Czech language on 52 pages. The very first book covering entire history of A-10 family including all upgrades.
Mikojan Gurevič MiG-29 Volume I *SOLD OUT*
Published by Jakab in 2021, 52 pages, ISSN:2336-4645
This issue covers the complete history of the Mikoyan Gurevitch MiG-29 fighter aircraft, in the NATO countries known as Fulcrum. It covers the early MiG-29 variants including the shipborne MiG-29K model, through the MiG-29M second generation model up to the latest MiG-35 standard for the 21st century. It is describing in great detail the history behind the plane including testing period and all variants. The book includes almost 150 pictures. Fully in Czech language on 52 pages. The very first book covering entire history of MiG-29 family including all upgrades.
Mikojan Gurevič MiG-29 Volume II
Published by Jakab in 2021, 52 pages, ISSN:2336-4645
This issue covers all operators of the MiG-29/35 family and describes also interesting moments from the operational history as well as the war deployment. The book includes almost 150 pictures. Fully in Czech language on 52 pages. The very first book covering entire list of MiG-29 family operators.

General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin F-16 FIghting Falcon Volume I
Published by Jakab in 2021, 52 pages, ISSN: 2336-4645
This issue covers the complete history of the General Dynamics F-16 Fightin Falcon, frequently called Viper. It is describing in great detail the history behind the plane with several competitions and trials including YF-17 fly off. The volume describes all generations of the F-16 family starting with F-16A/B models through F-16C/D up to F-16V Viper family. All less-known production variants with different engines, avionics or working as test beds are captured as well. The book includes almost 150 pictures. Fully in Czech language on 52 pages. The very first book covering entire history of F-16 family including all upgrades.
General Dynamics/Lockheed Martin F-16 FIghting Falcon Volume II
Published by Jakab in 2022, 52 pages, ISSN: 2336-4645
This issue covers the complete operational history of the General Dynamics F-16 Fightin Falcon, frequently called Viper. It is describing in great detail the history of deliveries starting with first unit equipped within USAF and continuing through the European partners such as Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark and Norway. In separate chapters are described the deliveries to the Arab penninsula sich as to Israel and Egypt and to other countries. The text covers all the customer´s upgrades and deployment of the planes in combat missions. The book includes almost 150 pictures. Fully in Czech language on 52 pages. The very first book covering entire history of F-16 family including all upgrades.
JAS-39 Gripen
Published by Jakab in 2023, 52 pages, ISSN: 2336-4645
This issue covers the complete operational history of the SAAB JAS-39 Gripen including full developent and previous SAAB projects for the end of the century. The Gripen development is illustrated by the prototype pictures and all the key events are described in detail. Obviously the service with the Swedish, Czech, Hungarian, South African and Thai air force is described as well. A separate chapter is dedicated to the latest JAS-39E/F Gripen generation currently in service with Sweden and Brazil. The very first book covering entire history of JAS-39 family including all upgrades.

Lockheed F-35 Lightning II
Published by Jakab in 2023, 52 pages, ISSN: 2336-4645
This issue covers the complete operational history of the Lockheed F-35 Lightning II multirole fighter. Obviously the story starts with the roots of the later JSF program and covers the X-32 vs X-35 programs competition. On the following capters the development of the X-35 into a F-35 is captured with many information about the technical aspects of this ultramodern aircraft including tri-service concept of F-35A, F-35B and F-35C models. In detail all operators are mentioned as well. The very first book covering entire history of F-35 family including all upgrades.